25 participants drawn from Civil Society organisations, departments within the Asutifi North District Assembly, Ghana Education Service and the District Health Directorate took part in a four-day training of trainers workshop on how to form and train water and sanitation management teams, as part of the on-going Asutifi North District WASH full coverage initiative.
The main aim of the training was to build and increase the capacity and knowledge of the district assembly staff who will in turn help to establish community level structures for proper management of water and sanitation facilities which will be provided.
Day One
The first day engagement aimed to establish the Roles and Responsibilities of the WATSAN and DA/DWST. This is to enable the WSTMs know the role each partners play in the water management system and also, building a good relationships between WATSAN and Community, WATSAN and DA / DWST, WATSAN and R-CWSA and WATSAN and other actors that may be involved in the sustainability if the WASH facility.
Day Two
Activities scheduled for the day was on Preparation of the Facility Management Plan. Through that, participants were able to identify the various water systems being:
- Hydrogeological Cycle
- Ground Water Source
- Hand Dug Wells
- Drilled Boreholes
- Parameters for HP installation
Also, the installation of CWSA standardized HPs on Afridev and India Mark II GH. Modified.
Tariff Collection
As part of the MOU with the community and the DA together with the partners, it had already been agreed on pay as you fetch. This is to provide funds for the management of the water facility. Water sales and Revenue Management should also be accountable for by the WSMTs to help improve transparency, accountability, sustainability.
agraph text here.
Day Three
The day introduced participants to the Management tools and Hygiene Education with assessment of Health and Safety as well Action Planning in relation to water and sanitation.
Day Four
The last day of the workshop which is Day 4, settled on Sustainability issues and the ANAM WASH NETWORK. Participants were educated on how to ensure prompt sustainability of the facilities to prolong its life span. Also, the ANAM WASH NETWORK was elaborated on as an initiative to help channels all complains or issues regardless on the provision of the WASH facility as well as recommendation to enable the sustainability of the ANAM WASH initiative.
Following discussions on items drafted on programmed for the day, an interactive recap on all proceedings from day one was undertaken to which participants contributed duly.