ANAM WASH Monthly Radio programme
The 12th ANAM WASH Radio programme was organized as part of the monthly radio series held on Anapua FM in Asutifi North district. The discussion focused on Aquaya Institute pilot of the Water Quality Assurance Fund to support water service providers to carry out regular water quality testing to secure the safety of water delivered to consumers. As part of the pilot, water service providers will be supported to generate enough revenue to pay for water quality testing.

Leveraging partnerships: Latter-Day Saints’ Charities mission to Asutifi North District Assembly
The Latter-Days Saint’s Charities paid a visit to Asutifi North District to learn about the district based full WASH coverage initiative and explore possible areas of future collaborative work.
The team led by Elder Reed Carl Mellor noted that the district partnership driving the initiative is a good example of how leveraging on the individual strengths of partners, we can achieve more. He further stated that the Asutifi North district case exemplifies how collaboration with the right partners can lead to greater impact.
The District Chief Executive of the Asutifi North District, Hon. Anthony Mensah lauded the interest of Latter-Day Saints Charities in the district and was optimistic of possible future collaboration in support of the masterplan implementation.

Databoom Mission to Asutifi North District
The Principal of Databoom Kim Longfield, a Consultant of CNHF undertook a visit to Asutifi North District. The objectives of the mission were to learn about the CNHF Safe Water Program in Asutifi North district, develop a district-level profile and develop a data platform for more efficient and consistent district-level data capture.
Databoom after conducting interviews and interacting with CNHF partners and the Asutifi North District Assembly observed strong district partnership that is mutually complementary, effective hub role of IRC in monitoring, evaluation, learning and reporting, and overall programme achievements demonstrated in ownership of the plan, alignment of partner activities with masterplan, community ownership, and pilot of innovative safe water models and accountability mechanisms. Despite these achievements, Databoom noted the lack of funds for sanitation delivery and the challenge of reaching everyone in the district particularly hard to reach areas and communities with small populations with safe and reliable WASH services.

National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) documents ANAM Initiative
The National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) is collaborating with IRC to document innovative cases on SDG 6 across the country to support scale-up and uptake. The Asutifi North District Assembly led safe water strategy for the implementation of the long-term Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) masterplan for achieving 100% universal WASH coverage by 2030, was one of the three cases selected by NDPC - the Ghana Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)-led government institution, for the initial documentation. The other two districts included, Wassa East District of the Western Region where a district wide safe water solution is being implemented with Water4/ Access Development; and the Bongo District of the Upper East Region where the district wide approach for full WASH coverage is being implemented by the Assembly with partners including WaterAid
As part of activities of the documentation, the team visited Asutifi North district to document the innovative cases from various partners within the Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and other allied sectors such as WASH in Schools and Healthcare facilities.
The team noted that the progress made from inception (2018) in the provisions of boreholes, limited mechanized schemes and water stations in institutions, small communities and peri-urban areas have impacted greatly on communities like Panaba, Agravi and Wamanhinso; and institutions like Kenyasi No.2 cluster of schools and the Gambia No.1 health centre. Furthermore, the provision of water kiosks at selected standpipes and handpumps to improve revenue generation; District WASH Hub to provide backbone support to the partnership; and citizen mobilization through network building activities like ANAM radio, WASH desk and ANAM website are notable novelties. The political leadership championed by the Assembly; collective resolve and commitment by all partners facilitated by the District WASH hub with the funding support of CNHF; and the enthusiasm of the communities to support the process were noted as the key drivers of the Asutifi North District safe water strategy. These strengths could be harnessed further to address lingering challenges like sourcing for additional funding for especially sanitation.