IRC and CDC:
Dissemination of baseline assessment report on WASH in schools and healthcare facilities
a. A management meeting was convened on 28th May 2019 at Kenyasi to discuss CDC’s baseline report. It was attended by the District Chief Executive, District Coordinating Director, heads of departments and partners. The meeting agreed on a resource mobilisation and implementation plan to address institutional WASH challenges in the district to achieve universal on-site basic access to WASH services by all schools and health care facilities as captured in the WASH masterplan.

b. A District Learning Alliance Platform - DLLAP - meeting (5th in series) was convened by IRC and the Asutifi North District Assembly on 29th May to disseminate findings of the baseline assessment report on the status of WASH in schools and healthcare facilities. The presentation was made by Victoria Trinies of CDC. Participants were made up of traditional leaders, selected headteachers, Circuit supervisors and in-charges of public healthcare facilities in the district. The meeting discussed and agreed on investments and practical remedial actions required to improve the status of WASH in schools and healthcare facilities at the facility level.

c. Dissemination of the baseline report in selected schools and healthcare facilities: The dissemination were done by a team from IRC, CDC and the District Assembly. The following institutions were visited: Dejonve International School at Ntotroso, St. Lawrence Junior High School at Ntotroso, Gyedu Health Centre at Gyedu and Koforidua CHPS Compound at Goamu-Koforidua. The meetings were used to assist facility managers to map out WASH related problems which can be addressed with internal generated funds and those which require external interventions. Additionally, timelines for the resolution of the issues were agreed for subsequent follow-ups.

IRC and Netcentric Campaigns:
ANAM WASH Network building activities
- ANAM WASH Radio programme: the 3rd ANAM WASH Radio programme on Anapua FM, Kenyasi, was aired on 31st May 2019. The programme discussed CDC’s baseline report on the status of WASH in schools and healthcare facilities in the Asutifi North District. Resource persons were Felicia Ohenewa Larbi of the Ghana Education Service and James Oware from the Environmental Health Unit. Key topics covered during the discussions include availability of WASH facilities in schools and healthcare facilities, faecal contamination of stored drinking water in schools, inadequacy and poor cleanliness of latrines in schools and healthcare facilities.

The resource persons also discuss plans of the District Assembly, the Ghana Education Service, the District Health Directorate and other partners (IRC, World Vision International and CDC) to address some of the challenges identified. Towards the end of the radio discussions, the ‘WASH Ambassadors’ programme’ was announced. The WASH ambassadors’ programme is intended to be another opportunity for generating interest and soliciting popular participation of citizens in the ANAM WASH Programme. An appeal was made for anyone who is undertaking a selfless service to promote access to water, improved sanitation and hygiene in schools, communities and healthcare facilities to be nominated for recognition and celebration. There were eight calls when the phone lines were opened. Some callers commended organizers for the programme and others complained mainly about poor solid waste management practices in the district.
The Website: IRC has been working with Netcentric Campaigns and the WASH Desk Officer to develop content for the website []. Amanda Miner of ENVICOM Corporation is helping to improve upon the WASH Desk form on the ANAM WASH website. This will help in keeping track of customer complains till when reported problems are resolved. She will also support with the development of a response Dashboard with maps and summaries to use in work planning meetings with the district assembly and partners.
ANAM WASH Desk: The WASH Desk Officer received nine complains in the month of May. One of them was on a request for information about provision of borehole at Akosua Addaikrom, one of the deprived communities in the district. This was referred to the District Planning Officer, and feedback was provided to the caller. The WASH Desk officer is tracking responses to the remaining complains and will provide feedback to those who called.
Network membership: 118 new members joined that ANAM WASH network in May bringing total membership to 220.
Toll-free number to promote network building activities: A request has been submitted by the District through IRC to the National Communications Authority (NCA) for a toll-free number. NCA has requested a bankers’ draft of GHS 40.00 from the district. The District Planning Officer is working with the Finance Department to send the bankers draft to Accra.
Aquaya Institute
Experimentation on improving revenue collection at public stand pipes
- Four kiosks were constructed by Aquaya Institute and placed at selected public standpipes at Ntotroso, OLA Resettlement and Kenyasi. This is to help minimise vendor absenteeism and potentially increase revenues collected.
- Selected vendors and WSMTs were trained in records keeping and financial management to enable them to participate in the pilot.

Safe Water Network
Construction of small water enterprises
- Geophysical surveys and siting were done at Wamahinso and Gambia No.1.
World Vision International
Drilling of wells
- Six wells were drilled as part of the first batch of 20 communities receiving interventions in 2019.
- Assessments were done for drilling/mechanization of wells at Gambia and Biaso healthcare facilities.
- Pump test was done for the mechanization of a borehole at Obengkrom

Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS)
- Start-up training was completed for Community-based Organisations and selected staff of the Asutifi North District Assembly.
- Two communities were triggered using the CLTS approach
- Assessment of latrines were done at Biaso CHPS and Aboagya Nkwanta school

Formation and training of WSMTs
- Six WSMTs formed and trained
Asutifi North District
- Supported partners to implement their planned activities (release of staff, coordinate meetings and field activities)
- Daily evacuation of refuse
- Repair/rehabilitation of boreholes
- District Information Officer, Maxwell Bassam is on transfer to Ahafo Regional Coordinating Council
IRC/CDC/Netcentric Campaigns
- Organise core group meeting to discuss DLLAP WASH Reflection Papers
- Develop work plan on-going and outstanding activities to address recommendations of CDC’s baseline assessment report on WASH in schools and healthcare facilities
- Organise core group meeting to discuss content for the next WASH radio programme
- Compile Calendar of Events for the ANAM WASH Network building activities
- Organise monthly WASH radio programme
- Organise a technical meeting to share complains to partners and departments for redress
- Visit to community information centers for network building activities
- Launch the WASH ambassadors programme
World Vision International
- Undertake pre-triggering and triggering in 4 communities, and monitoring in 2 communities
- Undertake WSMT training in 8 communities
- Drill boreholes at 3 ‘stand-by’ communities as well as at Biaso and Gambia healthcare facilities
- Sign agreements with 3 ‘stand-by’ communities
Safe Water Network
- Drilling of boreholes at Wamahinso and Gambia No. 1
Aquaya Institute
- Installation of handpump meter and training of the remaining water vendor at OLA Resettlement
- Monitoring of water vendors
- Discuss draft agreement for water quality sampling and testing with the Asutifi North District