10th ANAM WASH Radio programme
The 10th ANAM WASH Radio programme on Anapua FM, Kenyasi, was aired on 3rd December 2019. The focus of the programme was on the Annual ANAM Town Hall Meeting. The District Planning Officer Mr. James Atta-Era and the Water Expert, IRC-Ghana, Mr. Jeremiah Atengdem who were resources persons on the programme underscored the importance of the meeting and encourage citizens to participate and contribute to the implementation of the ANAM WASH initiative. Seven phone calls were made into the program

Asutifi North District Assembly
In December, the IRC Ghana and the Asutifi North District Assembly organized the annual town hall meeting to raise awareness on the masterplan and provide updates on the progress of implementation. The meeting which involved 180 participants was attended by chiefs, queen mothers, local opinion leaders, Assembly Members, Heads of Departments from the District Assembly, and Area Council Executives. Also present were the security agencies, clergy, media, CNHF partners and a cross-section of the public. The District Coordinating Director of the Asutifi North District Mr. Samuel Badu-Baiden who opened the meeting emphasized the importance of the Town Hall meeting as one of the accountability platforms to engage citizens of Asutifi North on the implementation of the ANAM initiative. The District Chief Executive in his presentation noted that the period under review witnessed closed collaboration between the District assembly and the partners. Key achievements in 2019 included:
- Improvements in access to water services with the proportion of resident using safely managed water more than doubling between 2017 and 2019
- Ongoing construction of 27 additional hand pumps, 9 Limited Mechanized Boreholes in institutions and communities, and rehabilitation of 34 handpumps
- Regular partners and stakeholder’s review meetings
- Public schools and health care facilities WASH status assessed
- Ongoing pilot of Water Kiosk and Water Quality Assurance Fund mechanisms to address lack of or irregular water quality testing by service providers
- ANAM WASH Desk and Website, and Radio Programme set-up to mobilise and build network of citizens to support the masterplan implementation
- Surveys and studies to establish the finance gap, district capacity gaps, harvest progress outcomes and track service levels have also been carried out to inform the 2019 performance report.
The District Chief Executive concluded his presentation by reiterating the fact that the district appears to be on course to reaching the water target. However, additional resources are needed to address the huge funding gap that exist in the delivery of sanitation services and IWRM.

World Vision - Redevelopment and pumping test
In December 2019, World Vision International in Ghana conducted pump and recovery test on 6 wells drilled in the Gambia Area Council including 4 communities and 2 health centres. This is to guarantee the required yield and ensure that the aquifer is not undermined. When completed, the 4 boreholes will provide safe water for about 1200 people in four communities and the other 2 will provide access to water for both Biaso and Gambia Health centres for health care delivery in the Gambia Area Council, which serves a population of over 10,000 inhabitants in the area.

World Vision - CLTS implementation in 56 Communities
In December, as part of the implementation of Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) in the Asutifi North District, post-triggering follow-up monitoring was conducted in 10 communities. So far, 108 households have completed their latrines, with an estimated 540 people having access to toilet facilities

World Vision – Global Handwashing Day
In December World Vision International in Ghana in partnership with the District Assembly organized this year’s Global Handwashing Day under the theme: “handwashing for all”. The celebration in the Asutifi North District focused on the promotion of handwashing facilities at the schools, especially close to school latrines and in clinical rooms of health care facilities. The celebration was attended by452 people (children- 318, District staff and health personel-134). The children performed demonstrations and chorography on handwashing to educate the public on proper handwashing.

World Vision – World Toilet Day
In December World Vision International in Ghana in partnership with the District assembly organized this year’s World Toilet Day under the theme: “Leaving no one behind” in Asutifi North District. The celebration in Kenyasi was part of efforts to promote the CLTS concept, sensitise and advocate for improved sanitation at schools and healthcare facilities. In total 634 people (children- 446, natural leaders 40, teachers and District Assembly staff and Chiefs-148 participated in the durbar.

Aquaya Institute
Kiosk Scale Up
- Aquaya has commissioned the construction of 26 additional kiosks (14 complete). They have trained 19 of the vendors and are delivering kiosks to their water systems as they are completed.
- Aquaya is co-implementing 5 of these kiosks with World Vision at water systems where they have established a pay-as-you-fetch system.
- Aquaya will be getting 10 additional Afridev remote sensors from Skyfox to deploy at water systems in the scale up phase. The remote sensors measure volumetric flow and automatically detect and report breakdowns.
Water Quality Testing Agreement
- Aquaya Institute is waiting for feedback from GWCL Head Office's legal team on the water quality testing agreement so that it can be finalized and initiated. All parties have verbally approved of the agreement and are eager to see it finalized.
- Aquaya has hosted a meeting with the water system management teams that will be included in the testing agreement. All 10 management teams have agreed to participate.
- Aquaya is working on identifying the preferred strategies for water treatment after the testing agreement has started so that all water quality information generated can be actionable.
Asutifi North District Assembly
- Monitor the implementation of commitments made by district stakeholders including the District Assembly, Ghana Education Service, Ghana Health Service, World Vision International in Ghana towards addressing the key issues raised in the institutional WASH assessment.
IRC/ Netcentric Campaign
- Organize monthly WASH radio programme
World Vision International
- PMV/ pump mechanics Training
- Campaigns to raise community awareness on revenue generation & willingness to Pay for services.
- Establish, Train & Support WSMTs & Private Vendors for rehabilitated boreholes.
- Post triggering follow up