ANAM Initiative HUBdate-AUGUST 2019
IRC -Water and Sanitation Service Monitoring in Asutifi North
From August 19-20, IRC Ghana in partnership with the Asutifi North District trained district enumerators to carry out a district-wide water and sanitation service monitoring. The service monitoring aims to establish the current state of WASH service levels and performance of service providers against the baseline in 2017 as captured in the WASH masterplan. This forms part of the operationalisation of the district MEL framework to track the implementation of the WASH masterplan. The data collected will serve as input for the first joint performance report on the masterplan implementation which is under preparation.

IRC - District stakeholders validate findings of costing sustainable WASH services in Asutifi North District
On August 16, 2019, IRC Ghana and Asutifi North district organized a meeting to validate the preliminary findings of a study on costing sustainable services in Asutifi North district conducted by IRC Ghana. Stakeholders present at the meeting included staff of the Assembly, Heads of Departments, Service providers, and selected CSOs drawn from the district. Stakeholders at the meeting, generally agreed that capital maintenance, operations and maintenances and direct support expenditures were far lower than required and therefore urgent need was required to increase funding if the district is to achieve the 2030 vision of universal WASH coverage. The study assessed current expenditure of development partners, NGOs, users, households, and local government; sources of funding; required expenditure for capital expenditure, capital maintenance expenditure, operational expenditure and direct support cost; and financing sources for different cost components for achieving full WASH coverage.

IRC - District stakeholders validate preliminary findings of District capacity assessment study.
On August 17, 2019, IRC Ghana and Asutifi North district organized a meeting to validate preliminary findings of a district capacity assessment study in Asutifi North district conducted by IRC Ghana. Stakeholders present at the meeting included staff of the Assembly, Heads of Departments, Service providers, and selected CSOs drawn from the district. The study assessed the district capacity for delivering WASH services at the authority/regulator, service provider and service users levels within the IRC WASH systems and SDG Assessment frameworks. The study observed significant gaps especially at the service provider and user levels which were confirmed by participants who also recommended short to medium responses to address the gaps.

IRC /Netcentric Campaigns
- Organised the 6th ANAM WASH Radio programme focused on Sanitation: Improving solid waste management in Asutifi North District Assembly.
- Developed and uploaded content into the website
- Within the period, the WASH Desk received 6 complaints from citizens and grew the ANAM Network membership to 310 members.
World Vision - Assessment of non-functional boreholes
In August, World Vision International in Ghana assessed 20 non- functional boreholes in 19 communities in the Asutifi North District. The purpose of the assessment was to ascertain the level of breakdown and the repairs required to bring the facilities back to service. The findings from the assessment showed that some boreholes were low yielding, leaking and did not have pumps on them. The rehabilitation of the broken-down boreholes will restore water services to about 6,000 people in the Asutifi North district.

World Vision International train partners and communities on Citizen Voice and Action (CVA) approach.
In August 2019, World Vision International in Ghana in collaboration with the Asutifi North District Assembly trained partners, community leaders and WSMTs members from 5 communities in Asutifi North district on citizen Voice and Action Approach. This approach is a social accountability process for engaging duty bearers on good service delivery. The participants were trained on CVA tools including score- cards, WASH monitoring standards, Smiley scale, voting sheets, comments, and proposal sheets.
The participants after the training committed to debrief chiefs and elders about CVA and seek their support; sensitize community members on WASH standards; monitor WASH standards in the community; and organize scorecard sessions in the community with boys, girls, men and women.

World Vision - Water and Sanitation Management Teams (WSMTs)Training in Gambia area council
In August 2019, World Vision International in Ghana trained 6 communities in the Gambia area council on the management and operations of water facilities. The purpose of the training was to improve the capacity of WSMTs to manage and sustain WASH services in the Community. About 56 WSMT members, which constituted 25 females and 31 males were trained

World Vision - CLTS Implementation in 10 Communities
In August 2019, As part of the implementation of Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) in the Asutifi North District, 4 communities namely Solomonkrom, Benuyena, Yaabeniagye and Osei- Kwamekrom.were triggered in the Gambia area council. About 597 community members from 101 households participated, which constituted 191 females, 183 males and 233 children. Post triggering monitoring has indicated that all the four communities had started latrine construction and at various stages of completion of the sub-structure.

Safe Water Network - Construction Work in Gambia No. 2 and Wamahinso in Asutifi North District
Safe Water Network has successful drilled borehole and constructed overhead concrete structure whiles construction of five (5Nr.) standpipes is still in progress. HDPE pipes have been delivered to the community to enable the commencement of trenching and pipelaying works in Wamahinso and Gambia No. 2 in Asutifi North District.

Aquaya Institute
Kiosk & revenue enhancement pilot
- Aquaya's pilot has ended and it is now working on analysing the data that was collected over the pilot period.
- Aquaya intends to share the main takeaways from the pilot in the coming weeks with the partners.
Water Quality Testing Agreement
- The General Assembly in Asutifi North has endorsed Aquaya's proposal for the Testing Agreement with GWCL. The District Assembly’s lawyer has made comments on the details of the Agreement and Aquaya will work with ANDA to reconcile any issues
Asutifi North District Assembly
- Monitor the implementation of commitments made by district stakeholders including the District Assembly, Ghana Education Service, Ghana Health Service, World Vision International in Ghana towards addressing the key issues raised in the institutional WASH assessment.
- Organise General Assembly Meeting
IRC/Netcentric Campaign
- Organise core group meeting to discuss DLLAP WASH Reflection Papers
- Organise monthly WASH radio programme
- Launch the WASH ambassadors programme
- Facilitate a learning exchange visit for IRC Uganda and Kabarole local government team who will be visiting Asutifi North district
- Prepare report on water and sanitation service monitoring
- Convene stakeholders review meeting to discuss and approve first performance report on the progress of the WASH masterplan implementation
- In collaboration with CDC:
World Vision
- Rehabilitation of boreholes
- Revamping and training of WSMT of rehabilitated boreholes
- Support the formation of kid’s club
- DICCS Monitoring/Verification
- Borehole drilling and equipping with hand pumps
Safe Water Network
- Conduct other geophysics and drilling to procure a suitable borehole for Gambia No. 2
- Completion of standpipes and fencing works in the Wamahinso and Gambia No.2
- Mounting of tanks and plumbing connections in Wamahinso and Gambia No.2
- Trenching and pipelaying works in Wamahinso and Gambia No.2
- Construction of office structures and other civil works such as pump house and sanitary facilities
- Borehole mechanization and test run of the system