AsutifiNorth District Assembly Launches Small Grant Opportunity for CSOs
InApril 2021, The Asutifi North District Assembly in partnership with IRC Ghanalaunched the ANAM Small Grant Opportunity for CSOs in the district to embark onadvocacy on equity and inclusion in WASH. Participants at the event included theDistrict Chief Executive, District Coordinating Director, traditionalauthorities, CSOs operating in the district, Assembly Members, Water andSanitation Management Teams, and Heads of Department of the District.

The ANAM Small GrantOpportunity aims to support selected Non-Governmental Organizations’ (NGOs) inthe Asutifi North District to develop advocacy initiatives in the followingareas:
• Sustainingbehaviour changes in hand hygiene beyond Covid 19.
• Improvingaccess to WASH services for vulnerable and excluded populations includingpeople with disabilities.
• Reduceinequalities in allocation of resources for WASH services.
•ImprovedWater, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services and sustainable Water ResourcesManagement (WRM).
• Improvinggender equity and social inclusion in WASH.
The grant will supportselected NGOs to carry out public education and sensitization in Asutifi NorthDistrict to complement ongoing efforts by the ANAM partners to achieve theuniversal WASH coverage.
The event announced theprize money and outlined the eligibility and assessment criteria for the awardof the grant. Questions from CSOspresent were also answered to ensure a clear understanding of the grantopportunity. The deadline for the application was 15th of May 2021. The District Chief Executive, Hon. AnthonyMensah, admonished the participating CSOs to follow the criteria stated toapply for the grant. He stressed that the District Assembly alone was incapableof solving all water related issues in the district and added that the efforts ofall including CSOs were required to ensure universal access to WASH services by2030. He further emphasized that this grant opportunity was a litmus test forCSOs that would inform whether the grantopportunities will continue.
Inceptionactivities of Latter-Day Saints Charities Project in Asutifi North District.
TheLatter-Day Saints Charities approved a project to support the District basedWASH programme in Asutifi North District to expand access to WASH services toselected schools and unserved hard to reach communities.
Aspart of the inception activities of the project, IRC Ghana in collaborationwith the implementing partners including World Vision Ghana, Asutifi NorthDistrict, and other partners carried out community visits to selected schoolsand communities for the project. The team held meetings with chiefs, opinionleaders, school heads, and Parent Teacher Associations to inform them of theproject and solicit their support and cooperation in the implementation. Baselinedata on the communities and schools have been collected.
Theteam also discussed the long-term sustainability of the planned infrastructureand encouraged communities/schools to ensure that the Water and Sanitation managementcommittee that will be formed and trained are dedicated to their work.
Communitiesvisited were Besease, Nketiakrom, Pobikrom, Nyamebekyere, Kwadwa Adai Krom, Asamang,Akwesi Antwikrom, Goamu Koforidua, Bronyakrom, Wamahinso, and Kokofu Anwia.