A delegation from US-based non-profit, Easy Water for Everyone, visited the Asutifi North District Assembly. The founders of the organization, Dr. Nathan Levin and Linda Donald, met with the District's management team to discuss the possibility of extending water access in hard-to-reach communities in Asutifi North.
Nathan and Linda were received at the District by the Coordinating Director and heads of Planning, Works, Environmental Health and Sanitation, and the Finance departments. Also present was IRC Ghana.
Nathan and Linda were briefed on the ongoing initiative in the Asutifi North District toachieve 100% WASH coverage by 2030. The District Assembly and Easy Water for Everyone discussed possible areas of collaboration. The District arranged for the delegation to visit potential communities that could be considered for support by the foundation. Nathan and Linda had a firsthand experience of unprotected and deplorable water sources that some community members rely on for theirdaily activities.

The mission of Easy Water for Everyone is to extend access to safe drinking water indeprived communities. The organization has been working with an Israeli-based company, NUFiltration Limited, to manufacture and install polysulfone fibers which are used to produce clean and safe drinking water for people in rural communities. The technology does not require an electrical connection and is ideal for off-grid communities.